The instantaneous frequency of each tone is given by
$f(t) = f_0 k^t$.
As we want the final frequency after $T$ seconds to be $2 f_0$,
$f(T) = 2 f_0 = f_0 k^T$
That leads to
$k = e^{\frac{\ln 2}{T}}$
and the instantaneous frequency may be written as
$f(t) = f_0 e^{\frac{\ln 2}{T} t}$
An exponential chirp tone $x(t)$ is given by
$x(t) = \sin \left( 2 \pi \int_{0}^{t} f(\tau) d\tau \right)$
$x(t) = \sin \left( 2 \pi f_0 \frac{e^{\frac{\ln 2}{T}t}-1}{\ln 2 / T} \right)$
To acchieve a better result I have weighted the tones using a gaussian window, and I created the chirp tone with the double sampling frequency and in the end I made a resample to the desired sampling frequency, to attenuate the aliasing caused by the higher chirping tones.
fs = 44100;
fs2 = 2*fs;
ts = 1/fs2;
F = [10 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 2560 5120 10240 20480];
w = gausswin(length(F));
x = [];
T = 10;
t = [0:1/fs2:T-1/fs2]';
x = zeros(size(t));
for i = 1 : length(F),
x += linspace(w(i),w(i+1),length(t))' .* sin(2*pi*F(i)*(exp(log(2)/T * t)-1)/(log(2)/T));
x = resample(x,1,2);
I used the function bellow to concatenate several chirping tones:
function y = concatenate(varargin)
y = varargin{1};
for i = 2 : nargin,
x = varargin{i};
o1 = linspace(1,0,11025)';
o2 = linspace(0,1,11025)';
y = [y(1:end-11025); o1.*y(end-11025+1:end)+o2.*x(1:11025); x(11025+1:end)];
And the result is plotted in a Spectogram (see figure bellow) and might also be heard.
y = concatenate(x,x,x);
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