quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2010

search tips

- "+" - Result must contain word
- "-" - Result must not contain word
- "OR" and "|" - Applied between two words, it will find "this or that", or both. The "OR" operator must be uppercase and have a space between the 2 words on each side. The "|" operator does not need a space between the words
- " "" " - Finds an exact match of the word or phrase
- "~" - Looks for synonyms or similar items. Eg: "~run" will match runner's and marathon
- ".." - Indicates that there's a range between number. Eg: 100..200 or $100..$200
- "*" - Matches a word or more. Eg: "Advanced * Form" finds "Advanced Search Form"
- "word-word" - All forms (spelled, singe word, phrase and hyphenated

- "site:" - Search only one website or domain. Eg: "PC site:wazem.org" will find PC within wazem.org
- "filetype:" or "ext:" - Search for docs in the file type. Eg: "Linux tutorial filetype:pdf" will find Linux tutorial in the pdf format
- "link:" - Find linked pages (pages that point to the URL)
- "define:" - Provides definition for a word or a phrase
- "cache:" - Display Google's cached version of a web page.
- "info:" - Info about a page
- "related:" - Websites related to the URL
- "allinurl:" - All words must be in the URL
- "allintitle:" - All words must be in the title of the page
- "intittle:" - Match words in the title of the page
- "source:" - News articles from a specific source

- "+ - * /" - Normal math signs. Eg: 12 * 4 + 2 - 1 /2
- "% of" - Percentage. Eg:10% of 100
- "^" or "**" - Raise to a power
- units "in" units - Convert Units (currency, measurements, weight). Eg: 300 lbs in Kg, 40 in hex

- "book" or "books" - Search books. Eg: book "LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell"